The digital industry is increasingly becoming more relevant as the world continues to evolve into a digital village. Hence, acquiring one or two digital skills is a certified way to stay relevant in this digital age. However, before venturing into the digital industry, there are a few things you might want to consider, which will help you make an informed decision on where to start. You can click here to read more on this. In this article, we are going to consider some of the most important digital skills out there, their pros, career opportunities and what it will take to learn them.
In order not to make this article too long, we will only consider Graphics Design, Web Design, Digital Marketing, Animation/Motion Graphics and Microsoft Packages. But don’t worry, the general tips we will be giving, later on, apply to all digital skills and if you need additional guidance after reading through, feel free to let us know in the comment section.
1. Graphics Design

Graphics design is perhaps the most popular digital skill available out there due to its high demand, profitability and simplicity. Nowadays almost all businesses (big and small) require the services of a graphics designer. As a matter of fact, there is hardly any meaningful organisation that does not require the services of a graphics designer as there will always be a need for a logo, flyer, banner, tags and other graphic images. This has made the industry to be very profitable especially for graphic designers that are also into printing.
Learning: Graphics design is very easy to learn; the most used graphic design software (CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop) all have a simple interface, which makes it easy for beginners to understand and effectively utilise them for basic designs. Depending on your ability to assimilate and the prowess of your teacher, you can learn graphics design in less than a month.
Career opportunities: A graphics designer can work almost anywhere, as virtually all organizations and businesses require the service of graphics designers. A graphics designer can also work as an entrepreneur or freelancer.
- It is easy to learn.
- High demand.
- Profitable
Are you interested in learning graphics design? Our comprehensive course will teach you all you need to know about graphics design. Click here to enrol.
2. Web Design/Development

If you wish to be internet savvy and create beautiful sites for organizations, businesses and individuals, then web design is your niche. Unlike graphics design that simply involves creating visual contents for various purposes, web design revolves around creating websites and blogs for online usage. Each time you visit a website, all the contents such as text, buttons, images and videos that you see on the website did not just magically appear, they have been carefully designed and arraigned on the website by a web designer or web developer. Also, a web designer ensures the proper functioning of the website through regular maintenance and updates.
The demand for web designers is increasing as more and more organizations and businesses are taking their activities online. Hence, there is a huge market available for more people to join the web design industry.
Leaning: leaning web design is of two folds, there is the programming aspect, which requires learning one or two programming languages and there is the non-programming aspect, which requires the use of Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Wix to build a website. Thus, you do not necessarily have to learn a programming language or be a programmer to become a web designer.
Career opportunities: As businesses, organizations and individuals progressively continue to take their activities online, there are increasing opportunities for web designers to work in various sectors. A web designer can also work as an entrepreneur, freelancer or as a web consultant to various firms.
- It is a fast-growing industry with immense profitability potential.
- You don’t have to be a programmer to be a web designer.
- It is fun to learn if you have the right teacher.
Are you interested in learning web design? Click here to enrol. On the other hand, If you are interested in getting a website for yourself, click here for our web design offers.
3. Digital Marketing

Due to increasing usage of internet browsing and the social media, digital marketing has grown to become an essential form of marketing, even to the point of nearly replacing many of the traditional marketing mediums as the most effective means to bring your business or activities to the limelight. Simply put, digital marketing is online marketing, you can also call it internet marketing. It revolves around utilizing the various internet platforms to advertise products, services, events and lots more. There are various types and mediums for digital marketing, all of which you will learn by taking our in-depth course on digital marketing. Click here to enrol
Leaning: Digital marketing is simple and easy to learn, especially if you are already familiar with the internet/online domain. We have a series of online and offline courses that have been carefully drafted to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing. Click here to enrol.
Career opportunities: there are immense career opportunities in digital marketing. You can work independently by creating your digital marketing firm. You can work in marketing companies or any organization with a marketing division, which is pretty much every meaningful organization.
- It is easy to learn especially if you’re already familiar with the internet/online domain.
- It is fast growing with immense career opportunities and little competition compared to other digital skills.
Want to learn Digital Marketing? Click here to enrol.
4. Animation/Motion Graphics

Contrary to conventional beliefs that animation is for kids, more and more young people and adults are drawing attention to animated movies, which have made the animation industry to become much more profitable than before. Besides, the use of animation and motion graphics for advertisement or to simply convey a message is becoming more fashionable. Hence, the demand for animators and motion graphics designers have continued to rise steeply.
Learning: Although animation software often has complex interfaces and could take time to get used to, however, learning animation is fun and exciting if you are patient, committed and have the right tutor to put you through the basics.
Career opportunities: Like every other digital skill, animators and motion graphics designers can work as entrepreneurs or freelancers. Also, as an animator, you can work for a television company, movie studio or other corporate organizations that have a division for animation.
- It is a fun and exciting career as you get to give life to inanimate objects and drawings.
- It is very profitable with increasing demand for animators.
Want to be an animator? Click here to sign up for our full-stack training.
5. Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)

Mostly overlooked as a digital skill, Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) is no doubt an essential skill that everyone should learn, especially in this computer age. You need to know how to navigate Microsoft Word and prepare a simple document as you will always have a reason to do this in the course of your career. Furthermore, if you wish to rise to the top of the pyramid in your workplace or chosen career path, then you should at the very least be able to prepare basic PowerPoint presentations as you will most likely have to stand before a board or an audience for presentations that can make or mar your career.
Also, as a graduate looking for employment, these are basic skills that your potential employers will expect you to already have. Hence, if you have not already mastered these skills, now is the time to do so.
Learning: Learning Microsoft packages is very easy, simple and straightforward when you have the right tutor to guide you. We have carefully developed comprehensive masterclass courses on Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, which you can access for a small fee. Each of these courses will equip you with all you need to know about the software and take you from a complete beginner or newbie to a proficient user. Click here to access our courses on each of the software. If your interest is to learn all three, then click here for our Microsoft Office Full Training Bundle.
Career opportunities: Being a proficient user of Microsoft office is a skill that virtually all sectors and industries demand from their potential employees. So, if you are well versed in all three software (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) then you have a significant edge above others.
- It is easy to learn if you have the right tutor.
- It is the most important computer skill required in virtually all spheres of life.
Want to learn Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint? Click here
Overall, digital skills are very important in today’s world and it is always best to stick with the one that you are most enthusiastic about. Also, there is no harm in acquiring more than one digital skill as long as you don’t end up becoming a jack of all trade, master of none.
Now that you are familiar with some of the most popular digital skills out there, the next step is to decide which of them is most appropriate for you after which you can enrol for a training programme. You can start your training by enrolling for any of our training programmes here, or simply purchase our available online courses. Click here for the online course catalogue.
Do you need further guidance on what to do next? Click here to speak to a consultant.
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